Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Web-Based Interview

Step 2: The Web-Based Interview (or WBI for short)

If you check your dashboard or e-mail and you see this beauty, that means you get to move on to the next step which is the web-based interview!

This means they like you, but want to see what your personality is like. You'll have to excuse my lack of detail, because I didn't have to take the WBI this season (I'll explain why later) but I'll do my best.

The first part asks a question and offers several possible responses/answers. You choose which is most applicable to you. The second part gives you a statement- ex. "I am always on time". You are offered 5 choices, Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree. You choose whichever suits you best.

The questions are timed, but they give you enough time to read every question and consider what they are asking. As long as you aren't distracted during the interview, you should be totally fine! They are also checking to see if you're lying, so they may word questions differently.

Read every question carefully and stay consistent in your answers. If you're being honest, it won't be difficult to stay consistent.

Something to note is that if you take a WBI, your results are valid for 6 months. I applied for the College Program in March, earlier this year, and because applications came out in August, that was within 6 months and I was allowed to move past it! Similarly, if you fail the WBI, you can't retake it for another 6 months.

This is the e-mail I got after applying, because I didn't have to do the WBI

Tips: This is a job interview. Put yourself in the shoes of a Disney Cast Member. Get into that mindset. What would you do in the situations they present? If you're late to social engagements, but never late to work, say you Strongly Agree with the "I am always on time" example!

-Be confident in your answers. This means choosing Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree options more than the others. It's ok to be neutral on a few things. I felt that some questions were loaded, so I avoided them. That's fine! But be confident in your answers and act like a Cast Member!

What's coming up? I'll talk about the phone interview!

'Til next time!

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