Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Good Ol' Facebook Group

So, yesterday, many people received an e-mail update from Disney saying the applications will drop in late August! This is a bit different than last year or even the year before that. Apps could be coming upwards of 3 weeks before they did last year and I am so excited. What does this have to do with the Facebook group, you might be pondering. Well, I found out this exciting information on the Facebook group before I got the e-mail myself, which leads me to the topic of this blog post: The DCP Facebook page.

So, I have been a part of several DCP Facebook pages, though this is the first season I've ever been really involved in the group. I don't post super regularly, but I have been able to do the Google+ hangouts with several other DCP hopefuls. I would definitely recommend anyone who wants to do the program to check out the Facebook page because it does provide a lot of helpful information, and you can make friends, and who doesn't want that?

Unfortunately, the group will inevitably get a bit catty, and some people will get carried away. Sometimes, I feel like the girl in Mean Girls, who just wants everyone to get along like they did in middle school. Facebook groups can bring out all kinds of unnecessary drama, so I would advise everyone to take what is said with a grain of salt.

Once acceptances start going out, smaller groups will form based on roles, arrival dates, activities people plan on doing, etc. Those are also good ways to meet people, potentially find roommates, and talk to people about Disney in general!

So, TL;DR get involved! You won't regret meeting people on the Facebook page, especially in that 'waiting game' period before apps drop, and between your phone interview & finding out your status.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Beginning of a Great Adventure... Hopefully!

Hello there, internet traveler! My name is Taylor Suydam, and I'll be applying for the Spring (or Spring Advantage) 2015 Disney College Program! I am 20 years old, and I grew up in a small suburb of Chicago, called Libertyville, IL.

I will be starting my junior year at the University of Alabama in the fall where I major in hospitality management as well as marketing. I'll be heading back in August once I finish up my summer internship in Wisconsin!

 I am currently the ticketing/community relations intern for the Beloit Snappers, the Class-A Affiliate of the Oakland Athletics. For those of you who don't know much about sports, this translates to 'I work for a minor-league baseball team'. The guys on our team may one day play for the Oakland Athletics, a MLB team in California.

So, applications are going to drop in about 2 months, and I'm getting super excited and kind of need an outlet for everything regarding the DCP. I'll be getting ready for the application process coming up soon, so away we go!